
[Performance] WOFF font format for CJK languages is 5x slower in Chrome and Unresponsive in Firefox

Saranya-Sivanandham opened this issue · 1 comments

We are using PDFMake which in turn makes use of PDFKit to generate a text-only single-page PDF.

For languages Chinese, Hebrew & Japanese, we are making use of the below Google font in WOFF format downloaded from Google Webfonts helper.

Chinese - Noto Sans SC (1.5 MB) Download link Choose Historic support to get WOFF format.

Japanese / Hebrew - M PLUS 1p regular Download link Choose Historic support to get WOFF format.

For the above languages with the mentioned fonts, the pdf download takes around 8 seconds - 11 seconds for a single page. However, for other languages, it is way lesser ~ around 1 -2 seconds.

With TTF it works better.

Note: Unable to upload woff font in GitHub. So shared the link from where I downloaded it.

Are you creating the PDF in server side and downloading? If so the problem can be the PDF size due to the font used.

To see if is a perf problem of the library is necessary to measure the time to create the pdf eliminating the network transfer variable