
postscriptname null in some version of fontkit

alecjacobson opened this issue · 2 comments

I admit I'm lost in my node dependencies, but I have some configuration where this program works correctly:

var fontkit = require('fontkit');

// open a font synchronously from arg
var font = fontkit.openSync('STRRETCH-SANS-FREE-dqme76.otf');

and outputs:


But then in a different node installation directory this same program will just output:


I liked the behavior that I could reliably get the postscriptname from the font I loaded from file. Did this feature change?

Could be related to #333

also, fwiw, both of my installs are supposedly using 2.0.2 so it's really weird that they're producing different behavior. Maybe there's an issue with dependencies?

If I downgrade to 1.9.0 I don't seem to have a problem. But already 2.0.0 produced null in one of the installations