Nested objects in struct?
krlicmuhamed opened this issue · 1 comments
krlicmuhamed commented
First of all, great module!
I tried to do this:
var Record = new r.Struct({....});
var Packet = new r.Struct({
number_of_records: r.uint8,
records: new r.Array(Record, 'number_of_records')
var stream = new r.DecodeStream(buf);
var object = Packet.decode(stream);
var object
returns this error:
TypeError: type.decode is not a function
at Struct._parseFields (node_modules/restructure/src/Struct.js:53:22)
at Struct.decode (node_modules/restructure/src/Struct.js:18:12)
at StructTest.parse (main.js:79:23)
at Context.<anonymous> (test/protocol.js:14:26)
Does this mean I can't do array of structs? :(
krlicmuhamed commented
To elaborate what was my problem, maybe someone will benefit from this...
You get this TypeError: type.decode is not a function
If you nest an object into r.Struct({});
like this:
var test = new r.Struct({
header: {
To get arount this issue I just nested r.Struct like this:
var test = new r.Struct({
header: r.Struct({