The decoding/fromBuffer fails and crashes with this "complex" structure
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ItzSiL3Nce commented
Given this structure:
const PacketFromRestructure = new r.Struct({
i: r.uint32,
a: new r.Array(r.uint32),
sub: new r.Struct({
subI: r.uint32,
subArray: new r.Array(r.uint32)
The encoding/toBuffer part works fine:
const encoded = PacketFromRestructure.toBuffer({
i: 0,
a: [1, 2],
sub: { subArray: [1, 2, 3], subI: 2 }
But its decoding/fromBuffer fails and crashes:
const decoded = PacketFromRestructure.fromBuffer(encoded)
The crash:
const ret = this.view[key](this.pos, false);
RangeError: Offset is outside the bounds of the DataView
at DataView.prototype.getUint32 (<anonymous>)
at $8ae20583b93e4933$export$c18b354bac7948e9.<computed> [as readUInt32BE]