
Performance Tests

fommil opened this issue · 3 comments

To compare against other libraries (and to show off natives/GPU) it might be useful to include comparisons of typical operations. i.e. redo

Related to fommil/netlib-java#37

and update the docs!

svn checkout java-matrix-benchmark-read-only
cd java-matrix-benchmark-read-onl
mate build.xml # change compilor [sic]
rm -f lib/mtj/*
cp -v ../matrix-toolkits-java/target/mtj-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar lib/mtj/
ant app
java -jar build/jar/benchmark_app.jar runtime --Quick --SanityCheck=false --Memory=6000

and then to re-run just MTJ

java -jar build/jar/benchmark_app.jar runtime --Quick --SanityCheck=false --Memory=5000 --Library=MTJ

for final results, leave the sanity checks and remove the Quick qualifier.

I'm using 1600 memory on my laptop, and 8GB on my iMac.