
Support Android 11, SDK 30

zhombie opened this issue · 2 comments


Hello, first of all, thanks for library. I am reading code base till now & I am not ready to contribute this feature request on my own yet. What about supporting Android 11? Some "important" methods were deprecated & the new recommended ways were changed (for example, requestPermissions, google recommends to use registerForActivityResult)

Hello, as you can see in, this library already supports Android 11.

All the deprecations related to Android 11 are already fixed in a previous PR.

The API you are talking about is not related to Android 11, but to the dependency androidx.fragment.
Unfortunately, the release of androidx.fragment which contains the new API is still in rc.

I'll update that dependency only when it will become stable since I don't want to depend on not-stable dependencies.

Sorry, I have tried to update dependencies with sdk, so I faced issues, also extension function permissionRequest.send {} did not return the result. That's why I returned to the last stable versions as library