
Script freezes after cloning repo

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Script seems to freeze when installing in Mountain Lion, when installing both with or without sudo. Here's the output.

Are you installing from a repository cloned to this machine (if unsure, answer no)? (y/n)
Cloning Scipy Superpack
Cloning into 'ScipySuperpack'...
remote: Counting objects: 428, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (203/203), done.
remote: Total 428 (delta 227), reused 421 (delta 220)

And gets stuck there. Is there a verbose mode to see what is wrong?

Following the script, it seems it gets stuck on the line


When I run this line in the CLI, this is the output:

Setuptools version 0.6c11 or greater has been installed.
(Run " -U setuptools" to reinstall or upgrade.)

I installed ez_setup externally with 'sudo easy_install ez_setup' and will try again.

Done installing. Problem fixed. Verbose mode would still be nice, though.

There is already verbose output before almost every line, but feel free to suggest additional output. Not sure why it would have installed setuptools if you had already installed it, though. The script checks for easy_install and is supposed to skip over it when it is found.