
Level requirement equations

fonsleenaars opened this issue · 0 comments

There is some inconsistency in the equations that are used to determine the level requirements for uniques in the game.

As an example, Ferrus Gnossi should evaluate to level 47, but in-game it says it's level 48.

upperBodyLevelEquation,21 + (((itemLevel-30)*0.5)+(totalAttCount*0.75)),


Including armor there are 9 properties, which would run the equation:

21 + (((68 - 30) * 0.5) + (9 * 0.75))
21 + ((19) + (6.75))
21 + (25.75)

Rounded = 47

cc @TheWagi

I'll compile a list of expected values from in-game screenshots, and then we can try to figure out what is going wrong, and what the expected totalAttCount should be.