
notebookfile must be set also without binder

michi7x7 opened this issue · 1 comments

notebookfile must also be set for deployments that do not use binder, otherwise the hash cannot be calculated for the bind-server.

notebookfile_js = if offer_binder

from editor.bundle.js (line 6783 in the bundle or so):

   if (use_bind_server) {
            const notebookfile_hash = use_bind_server ? fetch(launch_params.notebookfile).then((r2)=>r2.arrayBuffer()
            ).then(hash_arraybuffer) : null;
            use_bind_server && notebookfile_hash.then((x3)=>console.log("Notebook file hash:", x3)

I know this code is pretty new, just wanted to drop this here.