
Open file directly

AshtonSBradley opened this issue · 10 comments

Sorry if this is misplaced, but I am wondering if I can open a particular notebook by passing a filename at the command line?

I mean that it could just open in the system default browser at a default port

fonsp commented

Those are two separate requests:
fonsp/Pluto.jl#236 @Roger-luo this can be added to the CLI right?

Thanks! I tried fonsp/Pluto.jl#236 and left a comment there about what went wrong for me

yes, this should be fairly easy to add to the CLI. I could do it in a PR.

@fonsp just wondering if it's possible to pass the environment path to the notebook process (when creating it) directly? e.g some internal APIs that I can call. I cannot find where Pluto create the process after reading the code, I thought there will be some call to addprocs somewhere...

now since we need to have a new command open in CLI, I will need to create some subprocess myself to set JULIA_PROJECT back (to fix the CLI's deps version, I need to run CLI in a read only julia environment, which is currently the package environment).

fonsp commented

Yep! The next lines run a number of commands (process_preamble) on the new process.

not sure if it should be working yet, but since those PRs on opening from command line merged, I tried it and got

 abradley@gink~/Dropbox/Julia/Pluto  pluto open aliasing.jl
ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: ServerConfiguration not defined
 [1] getproperty(x::Module, f::Symbol)
   @ Base ./Base.jl:26
 [2] open(file::String; host::String, port::Int64, launchbrowser::Bool, project::Nothing)
   @ PlutoUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlutoUtils/5FSCF/src/PlutoUtils.jl:26
 [3] open(file::String)
   @ PlutoUtils ~/.julia/packages/PlutoUtils/5FSCF/src/PlutoUtils.jl:24
 [4] command_main(ARGS::Vector{String})
   @ PlutoUtils ~/.julia/packages/Comonicon/R34G0/src/codegen/ast.jl:202
 [5] command_main()
   @ PlutoUtils ~/.julia/packages/Comonicon/R34G0/src/codegen/ast.jl:46
 [6] top-level scope
   @ ~/.julia/bin/pluto.jl:1

is there something more for me to do to setup? (just went through the readme. on master for both Pluto and PlutoUtils)

@AshtonSBradley thanks for trying, and sorry for the inconvenience of the early stage, if you want to try it now, you can do

] add Pluto#master PlutoUtils#roger/cli

we need to wait for Pluto v0.12.0 to get tagged for this feature.

Just a heads up that 0.12 is now actually released :)