An emacs package for creating a quiz using the opentdb api.
Running the following interactive command will open a new buffer with the quiz:
You can also fetch questions yourself and use them how you wish:
;; This function takes a lot of optional params for fetching the right questions. See opentdb.el for more info.
The following custom fields can be changed:
example: (setq opentdb-difficulty "medium")
- nil (for all)
- "easy"
- "medium"
- "hard"
example: (setq opentdb-type "multiple")
- nil (for any type)
- "boolean"
- "multiple"
example (setq opentdb-category "9")
Options (note that this might be outdated, check the api):
- "9" - "General Knowledge"
- "10" - "Entertainment: Books"
- "11" - "Entertainment: Film"
- "12" - "Entertainment: Music"
- "13" - "Entertainment: Musicals & Theatres"
- "14" - "Entertainment: Television"
- "15" - "Entertainment: Video Games"
- "16" - "Entertainment: Board Games"
- "17" - "Science & Nature"
- "18" - "Science: Computers"
- "19" - "Science: Mathematics"
- "20" - "Mythology"
- "21" - "Sports"
- "22" - "Geography"
- "23" - "History"
- "24" - "Politics"
- "25" - "Art"
- "26" - "Celebrities"
- "27" - "Animals"
- "28" - "Vehicles"
- "29" - "Entertainment: Comics"
- "30" - "Science: Gadgets"
- "31" - "Entertainment: Japanese Anime & Manga"
- "32" - "Entertainment: Cartoon & Animations"
- Make the answers clickable, to reveal the correct answer
- Add custom face (colors/font styling) to the correct answer when revealed, so it pops out more.
- Fetch multiple questions and cache them, instead of fetching one question at a time.
- Add a way to provide and store a session token to avoid the same questions.