
It is possible to use it without docker

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Mte90 commented

Looking at the code require just the code to be compiled and the binary to be executed.

So it is possible to run it without docker? I am not sure because I didn't investigate in all the repo.

It is go, so compile it to a binary flavour you need and you are good to go ;)

Mte90 commented

Cool, I wasn't sure because the readme don't mention that :-)
Thanks for the clarification!

Mte90 commented

I am trying to get talking with Prometheus on the same machine where pagespeed exporter is running.
There is the config.yml but is not clear how to define the path of the pagespeed_exporter.
Also how to set the api key in this config.yml because as parameter is missing.

Mte90 commented

Nevermind use http rest requests :-)