
Pass Google API Key during curl to /probe

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Hello, i'm using the pushgateway method and i need to pass a googleAPIKey to prevent get this error
Quota exceeded for quota metric 'Queries' and limit 'Queries per minute' of service '' when i hit pagespeed-exporter:any_port/probe with more than one target and running it in parallel.
There is a way to pass googleAPIKey in URL or Header?

Hi @RafaelSNascimento

Could you pass it via example/docker-compose.yml the command line arguments in the docker-compose.yaml?

Yes @smartinov, but as I'm using the pushgateway method, I want to send the api-key in the url when hitting the /probe route, because there are several projects using 1 pagespeed_exporter instance. One api-key will no support all projects, i will create another pagespeed_exporter instance if is not possible.

Hi! @RafaelSNascimento could you please share with the solution of the problem?