
New (docker) release

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I see you did quite some nice improvements lately. Any change you will do a new release soon, and also publish a new docker container?

Yeah! So there is a lot of new stuff, which is not compatible with the old ones.
The new pagespeed is using lighthouse with real-user experience.

I've made an example (with docker and grafana) with custom dashboards

Also, automatic releases are now enabled by default so newer releases will be available.

I'd suggest (if you want to check it out/ leave a suggestion)

  1. Check out repository
  2. Go to example
  3. docker-compose up -d
  4. localhost:3000 (admin:s3cr3t)
  5. Check out the metrics with metric comparisons (scores / load speed for real users / scores ... )

Any suggestions are welcome!

Aaah, I completely missed this small name change

I'll give it a spin!

Got it all running now.

Also found your Grafana sample dashboard in your repo.
Imported it into my own instance, updated the datasource, and looks good!


Glad you like it!