
memory_arena with fixed size preallocated storage?

kevin-- opened this issue · 1 comments

I'm intending to have a preallocated block of memory that I can partition into non-trivial objects, and was thinking to use the memory_arena allocator with a static_block_allocator

template <size_t Capacity, size_t WorseCaseObjectSize>
struct ObjectArena
    using static_arena_t = memory::memory_arena<memory::static_block_allocator>;
    static_arena_t mArena;
    constexpr static size_t SizeBytes = static_arena_t::min_block_size(Capacity * WorseCaseObjectSize);
    memory::static_allocator_storage<SizeBytes> mStorage;

    : mArena( SizeBytes, mStorage )

Then I want to allocate a shared_ptr<T> of some object:

ObjectArena arena;
auto ptr = memory::allocate_shared<T>( arena.mArena, std::forward(args)... );

and I'm facing this static_assert

                              "type is not a RawAllocator as it does not provide: void* "
                              "allocate_node(std::size_t, "

It doesn't seem to like the static_block_allocator. Is there a more appropriate way to accomplish this with the library that I'm overlooking?

A static_block_allocator, as the name suggests, is a BlockAllocator. Those are designed to just hand out big memory blocks when asked, so they can't be used for individual allocations.

To allocate small things, you need a RawAllocator that manages the memory of the BlockAllocator. Depending on your use case this can be a memory_stack<static_block_allocator> or a memory_pool<node_pool, static_block_allocator>.

The type memory_arena itself is mostly an implementation detail to store multiple blocks returned by a BlockAllocator. It is used internally by memory_stack and pool.