
Test fails on Android arm64-v8a

hutorny opened this issue · 0 comments

The tests are build on main branch with the latest NDK
When run on Android prints three errors

FATAL ERROR: REQUIRE( detail::is_aligned(ptr, def_alignment) ) is NOT correct!

The test log and a dockerfile to build the library and test for Android are attached in the zip file

The following script can be used to build and reproduce the issue:

sudo apt-get install docker-buildx
docker buildx build -t foonathan_memory -f foonathan_memory.dockerfile .
mkdir -p -m 777 output/android-21/arm64-v8a && docker run -v $(pwd)/output:/output foonathan_memory bash -c 'cp foonathan_memory/build/android-21/arm64-v8a/test/foonathan_memory_test /output/android-21/arm64-v8a'
adb push /output/android-21/arm64-v8a/foonathan_memory_test /data/local/tmp/
adb shell /data/local/tmp/foonathan_memory_test