
How to make attachment mandatory in Lightning (I have a requirement like : Attachment should be mandatory for below application types i) Suport-User Creation ii) Support-User Termination iii) Support-User Update Permissions)

Naveen1425 opened this issue · 2 comments

Component code: Please suggest me how to achieve this.

<aura:component controller="ctssupportform" implements="force:appHostable,flexipage:availableForAllPageTypes,flexipage:availableForRecordHome,force:hasRecordId,forceCommunity:availableForAllPageTypes,force:lightningQuickAction">

<aura:attribute name="pageHeading" type="string" default="CEP Helpdesk"/>
<aura:attribute name="userCreation"  type="boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="UserTermination" type="boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="updatePermission" type="boolean" default="false"/>
<aura:attribute name="isDataSubmitted" type="Boolean" default="true" />
<aura:attribute name="Isforsecond" type="Boolean" default="false"/> 
<aura:attribute name="radioSelect" type="String" default=""/> 
<aura:attribute name="fileName" type="String" default="No File Selected.." />
<aura:attribute name="Nxtbuttonvalidate" type="boolean" default="false"/>   
<aura:attribute name="frameWidth" type="String" default="200" /><!--250-->
<aura:attribute name="frameHeight" type="String" default="80" /><!--30-->  
<aura:attribute name="recordId" type="Id" default="'sobjectType':'attachment','Id':''"/>

<!-- Needed to send messages to VF page. But we will get it from VF itself -->
<aura:attribute name="vfHost" type="String" default="" />
<!-- Domain of LC for VF to send message -->
<aura:attribute name="lcHost" type="String" />
<aura:attribute name="body" type="string" default=""/>

<aura:handler name="init" value="{!this}" action="{!c.doInit}" />

<aura:attribute name="frameSrc" type="String" />

<aura:attribute name="applicationdata" type="string[]" default="--None--,Please select an application,
                                                                Knowledge Base,
                                                                My net,
                                                                Support Site,
                                                                Support-IVR or dial tone call Routing,
                                                                Support-Telco line Issue,
                                                                Support-User Creation,
                                                                Support-User Termination,
                                                                Support-User Update Permissions,Chat"/>

<aura:attribute name="urgdata" type="string[]" default="Low,Medium,High"/>
<aura:attribute name="Impactdata" type="string[]" default="Low,Medium,High"/>
<aura:attribute name="casedata" type="Case" default="{'sobjectType':'Case'}"/>
<aura:attribute name="options" type="List" default="[
                                                    {'label': 'I want to report a down time with an application', 'value': 'I want to report a down time with an application'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to request a new user account / update permissions to an existing account/terminate an existing account', 'value': 'I want to request a new user account / update permissions to an existing account/terminate an existing account'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to report a bug / issue', 'value': 'I want to report a bug / issue'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to request a new report', 'value': 'I want to request a new report'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to request a new functionality / project', 'value': 'I want to request a new functionality / project'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to report a telco issue', 'value': 'I want to report a telco issue'},
                                                    {'label': 'I want to request technical assistance', 'value': 'I want to request technical assistance'}]"

<aura:handler event="aura:waiting" action="{!c.waiting}"/>
<aura:handler event="aura:doneWaiting" action="{!c.doneWaiting}"/>

<div class="slds-m-top--xx-large">
    <div class="slds-page-header">
        <div class="slds-align--absolute-center">
            <div class="slds-text-heading--large">
                <div class="slds-media">
                    <div class="slds-media__figure">
                        <span class="slds-icon_container slds-icon-standard-opportunity" title="Description of icon when needed">
                    <div class="slds-media__body">
                        <h1 class="slds-page-header__title slds-truncate slds-align-middle" title="Rohde Corp - 80,000 Widgets">{!v.pageHeading}</h1>
        <div class="slds-align--absolute-center">
            <div class="slds-size--3-of-8">
                <!-- <lightning:accordion activeSectionName="Page1">
      <lightning:accordionSection name="page1" label="Select the type of ticket:">-->
                <lightning:radioGroup aura:id="mygroup" name="radioButtonGroup" label="" options="{! v.options }" value="{! v.casedata.Type_Of_Ticket__c}" onchange="{!c.handleChange }">  </lightning:radioGroup><br/>
                <div class="setcolorwhite">
                    <lightning:select label="Please select one Applications" name="mySelect" value="{!v.casedata.Applications__c}" aura:id="mySelect" class="labelcolor"  onchange="{!c.toggle}">
                        <aura:iteration items="{!v.applicationdata}" var="appl" >
                            <option value="{!appl}" text="{!appl}"/>
                //Excel form will display based on the picklist value
                <aura:if isTrue="{!and(v.options, v.userCreation)}">
                    <div aura:id="Support-User Creation" class="slds-grid slds-wrap slds-p-vertical_medium">
                        <span class="excel_format" style="display:inline;">
                            <a href='' target="_blank">Download sample and attach to ticket</a>
                <aura:if isTrue="{!and(v.options, v.UserTermination)}">
                    <div aura:id="Support-User Termination" class="demo-only demo-only--sizing slds-grid slds-wrap slds-p-vertical_medium">
                        <span class="excel_format" style="display:inline;">
                            <a href='' target="_blank">Download sample and attach to ticket</a>
                <aura:if isTrue="{!and(v.options, v.updatePermission)}">
                    <div aura:id="Support-User Update Permissions" class="demo-only demo-only--sizing slds-grid slds-wrap slds-p-vertical_medium">
                        <span class="excel_format" style="display:inline;">
                            <a href='' target="_blank">Download sample and attach to ticket</a>
                <div class="slds-m-top_large">
                    <lightning:button type="button" class="slds-button slds-button_brand" label="NEXT" onclick="{!c.nextButtonClickHandler}"/>
                <!--<lightning:accordionSection name="page2" label="Please fill out the following form :">-->
                <aura:if isTrue="{!v.Isforsecond}">
                    <lightning:input label="Subject" name="myname" value="{!v.casedata.Subject}"/>
                    <lightning:select label="Urgency" name="urgency" value="{!v.casedata.Urgency__c}">
                        <aura:iteration items="{!v.urgdata}" var="urg">
                            <option value="{!urg}" text="{!urg}"/>
                    <lightning:select label="Impact" name="impact" value="{!v.casedata.Impact__c}">
                        <aura:iteration items="{!v.Impactdata}" var="imd">
                            <option value="{!imd}" text="{!imd}"/>
                    <lightning:input label="Description" name="string" value="{!v.casedata.Description}"/>       
                    <lightning:input label="Justification" name="justify" value="{!v.casedata.Justification__c}"/><br/>
                     <lightning:input aura:id="fileId" onchange="{!c.handleFilesChange}" type="file" name="file" label="Upload Attachment" multiple="false"/>             

                     <div class="slds-text-body_small">{!v.fileName} </div>          
                    <div class="slds-m-top_large">
                        <lightning:button type="button" class="slds-button slds-button_brand" label="next" onclick="{!c.handleFormSubmit}" disabled="true" aura:id="uploadFileButton"/>
                       <div class="slds-m-top_large">
                        <p><lightning:button iconName="utility:Submit" class="slds-button slds-button_brand" label="Submit" variant="border-filled" onclick="{!c.doSubmit}"/></p>


Controller :

doSubmit : function(cmp, evt, hlpr) {
var fileInput = cmp.find("fileId").get("v.files");
var file = fileInput[0];
var objFileReader = new FileReader();
objFileReader.onload = $A.getCallback(function() {
var fileContents = objFileReader.result;
var base64 = 'base64,';
var dataStart = fileContents.indexOf(base64) + base64.length;
fileContents = fileContents.substring(dataStart);
// call apex function SaveRegistrationDetail to save data in reg form
// also we have to pass RegForm as a parameter
var casedata = cmp.get("v.casedata");

		// create a one-time use instance of the SaveRegistrationDetail action
		// in the server-side controller
		var action = cmp.get("c.Savesupportform");
			casedata  : casedata,
			base64Data: encodeURIComponent(fileContents),
			contentType: file.type
		// Create a callback that is executed after
		// the server-side action returns
		action.setCallback(this, function(response) {
			var state = response.getState();
			 if (state === "SUCCESS") {
				// Alert the user with the value returned
				// from the server
				cmp.set("v.isDataSubmitted", 'True');
				var parentId = response.getReturnValue();
				alert('Record created succesfully'+''+ parentId);
			else if (state === "ERROR") {
				var errors = response.getError();
				if (errors) {
					if (errors[0] && errors[0].message) {
						console.log("Error message: " +
				} else {
					console.log("Unknown error");
		// $A.enqueueAction adds the server-side action to the queue.
		var radio=cmp.get('c.handleChange');

handleFilesChange: function(component, event, helper) {
    var fileName = 'No File Selected..';
    if (event.getSource().get("v.files").length > 0) {
        fileName = event.getSource().get("v.files")[0]['name'];
    component.set("v.fileName", fileName);

handleClick : function (component ,event,helper){
    var nxtbtnonRadio=component.get("v.options");
    var nxtbtonSelect=component.find("mySelect");
    var nxtSelect=nxtbtonSelect.get("v.value");
    if(nxtbtnonRadio != null && nxtSelect.trim() != null ){
        component.set("isDataSubmitted", true);

handleChange: function (cmp, event) {
    var changeValue = event.getParam("value");
    console.log("On change : "+changeValue);
    cmp.set("v.radioSelect", changeValue);
                            //var actn=component.get("c.handleClick");

toggle: function (component, event, helper) {

var sel = component.find("mySelect");
var nav = sel.get("v.value");

if (nav.trim() == "Support-User Creation") {
component.set("v.userCreation", true);
        component.set("v.userCreation", false);
    if(nav.trim() == "Support-User Termination"){
    component.set("v.UserTermination", true);
        component.set("v.UserTermination", false);
     if(nav.trim() == "Support-User Update Permissions"){
            component.set("v.updatePermission" , true);
        component.set("v.updatePermission" , false);

nextButtonClickHandler : function(component, event, helper){
var sel = component.find("mySelect");
var nav = sel.get("v.value");
    if(nav !== '--None--' && component.get("v.radioSelect") !== '') {
        component.set("v.Isforsecond", true); 

doInit : function(component, event, helper) {
    //Send LC Host as parameter to VF page so VF page can send message to LC; make it all dynamic
    component.set('v.lcHost', window.location.hostname);

    var frameSrc = '/apex/UploadFilePage?id=' + component.get('v.RegistrationRecordId') + '&lcHost=' + component.get('v.lcHost');
    console.log('frameSrc:' , frameSrc);
    component.set('v.frameSrc', frameSrc);

    //Add message listener
    window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {


        // Handle the message
        if( == 'LOADED'){
            //Set vfHost which will be used later to send message
            alert('file loaded');

        if( == 'uploadFileSelected'){
            component.find('uploadFileButton').set('v.disabled', false);
            alert('upload file selected');

        if( == 'fileUploadprocessed'){
            var uiMessage = component.find('uiMessage');
            //Disable Upload button until file is selected again
            component.find('uploadFileButton').set('v.disabled', true);
            alert('file upload is true');

                        "body" :,
                        "severity" :,
                function(components, status, errorMessage){
                   alert('create component');
                    if (status === "SUCCESS") {
                        var message = components[0];
                        // set the body of the ui:message to be the ui:outputText
                        component.find('uiMessage').set("v.body", message);
                    else if (status === "INCOMPLETE") {
                        console.log("No response from server or client is offline.")
                        // Show offline error
                    else if (status === "ERROR") {
                        console.log("Error: " + errorMessage);
                        // Show error message
    }, false);
sendMessageone: function(component, event, helper) {
    //Clear UI message before trying for file upload again

    //Prepare message in the format required in VF page
    var message = {
        "uploadFile" : true
    } ;
    //Send message to VF
    var sndmsg=component.set("v.sendmsg", true);
    helper.sendMessage(component, message);
setIframeCaseId : function(component, event, helper) {
    component.set("v.formSubmitStatus", "");
    var message = {
        "recordId" :
    helper.sendMessage(component, helper, message);
handleFormSubmit: function(component, event, helper) {
    alert('file is uploading');
    console.log('file is uploading');
   var message = {
        "uploadFile" : true
    helper.sendMessage(component, helper, message);


Do you think lightning:fileUpload component can solve your problem for attachment?

try lightning:input with type=file and required. let us know if you still have the issue.