
@salesforce/lwc-dev-server doesn't support multiple directories and sfdx multiple packages

Opened this issue · 2 comments

We are trying to use the local dev server in our SFDX project which has one utility package and one main package. The utility package is configured in SFDX to be pushed before the main one with the param "pushPackageDirectoriesSequentially".

Our main package has a directory structure "force-app/main" as root. In the main folder, there is a default directory for the base metadata and then a directory for each "app".

The @salesforce/lwc-dev-server doesn't list any component that is not in the "main/default" folder and can not load any reference to the utils package or other components that are not in the "main/default" folder.

We would assume that the supported folder structure of SFDX would be supported in the local dev env as well.

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stale commented

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