SSH task hangs then fails
0bserver07 opened this issue · 12 comments
At first, I checked the EC2 / security group, it is good to go, 22 is open to local IP.
Here is the error log:
TASK [Wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open] ********************************************************************
fatal: [forem]: FAILED! => changed=false
elapsed: 300
connect_timeout: 5
delay: 20
exclude_hosts: null
host: XX.XX.XX.XX
msg: null
path: null
port: 22
search_regex: null
sleep: 1
state: started
timeout: 300
msg: Timeout when waiting for XX.XX.XX.XX
PLAY RECAP ************************************************************************************************************
forem : ok=41 changed=17 unreachable=0 failed=1 skipped=1 rescued=0 ignored=0
I'm not sure what's the error here.
Can you manually SSH into the server?
If this fails then it sounds like the EC2 never launched correctly. If you can SSH into it, try rerunning the playbook.
thanks for getting back to me @jdoss , I can't SSH into the machine manually, since I'm not certain where the ".pem" file go while deploying the instance?
See Step 7 of the Quickstart If you followed this guide it is located ${HOME}/.ssh/
Thanks, I think the github link doesn't explain what needs to happen for this use-case:
Here is an outline of steps I'm taking:
cd ~/.ssh/
- Generate the key with $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -v
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -v
when asked to enter file in which to save the key, type forem, confirm by Enter.
then wee will get two files generated, one will be forem and one will be
Then rename the forem to forem.pem, so you will have two files, and forem.pem
- I check the port for 22 is open.
- Still hangs and connection refused.
I terminate the server and redo every to avoid config overlaps as well.
Hey @0bserver07 if you are using AWS as your cloud provider you can try using this Forem AWS Setup guide. There is a section that goes in to more detail on how to ssh into your server.
If you have any more questions regarding getting set up or errors you are seeing please feel free to post on with the #help and #selfhost tags. Someone on the team will be able to help you over there! Thanks 😄
How were you able to solve this problem?
I have same problem if I change region us-east-1 -> eu-west-1
I have same problem if I change region us-east-1 -> eu-west-1
Hey @MaslovAnton just to confirm are you having trouble with SSH (step 11 in the quick start) and the problem is occurring only when you change your region to us-east-1 -> eu-west-1?
I have problem in this if i change fcos_aws_region: us-east-1 -> eu-west-1.
Error on task
TASK [Wait 300 seconds for port 22 to become open]
And i can't connect by ssh and generated rsa key
In default region (us-east-1) it was OK.
@MaslovAnton for now it worked when I switched to us-east-1
, there might be something hard-coded, but to make it work you can just do that change.
I tried, -west-, but that's what led to the ssh error.
Thanks. Same error in -west- region
I am going to walk through setting up my Forem on AWS again today and I will change the region. I'll let you know what steps I take and if I get the same errors you all are seeing @0bserver07 and @MaslovAnton . If I do I'll ping our systems team to get more info on why the error is occurring.