
Dot size and topo lines

gonzalezeb opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi @maurolepore
I couldn't made these simple changes on species plots so I wrote this issue:

  • how to change the dot's size ? For example, I tried adding into the function autoplot the words "size"or "pch" but none worked (aka no change in size, I want them really small):
    sp_elev(small_census, elevation),
    fill = "blue",
    hide_color_legend = TRUE
  • can the elevation 'water marks' for the topolines run parallel to such lines?
  • how can I change the color the topo lines to look all black?

Thanks @gonzalezeb for this issue.

I can answer your first and third question but if I do it now I will miss the opportunity to learn how most users search for information. Can you please describe your process? Could we chat on the phone or video?

autoplot() is a particularly tricky function and I likely need to re-structure its documentation.

I don't fully understand your second question. Do you want to move the legend position from the right to the top? Here is one example:


census <- fgeo.biomass::scbi_tree1 %>% 
  filter(sp == "libe")
elevation <- fgeo.scbi::scbi_elevation

# Legend on the right by default
autoplot(sp_elev(census, elevation))

# Posiiton legend at the top (?ggplot2::theme())
autoplot(sp_elev(census, elevation)) + 
  theme(legend.position = "top")

Created on 2019-03-12 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

Thank you Mauro, to close this issue I will answer myself based on our conversation

  • I can modify the function autoplot following examples here
  • I can also use ggplot to make changes