
Test the installation of fgeo

Opened this issue · 21 comments

I'm looking for volunteers to test the installation process of the fgeo package. Your feedback will make fgeo easier to use and benefit the ForestGEO commumity.

  • Could you install fgeo? Which installation option (1 or 2) did you use?
  • What problems did you experience?
  • What was unclear/confusing?

Please let me know any issue, comment, or idea for improvement. Write below or at


cc': @rutujact, @crscalpone, @kccushman, @ervanSTRI, @jess-shue, @DanielZuleta, @ngokangmin, @gonzalezeb, @dkenfack, @ekraichak, @forestgeoguest, @mopicon, @ValentineHerr

Hi @maurolepore, here is what I experienced/noticed:

I was able to install fgeo. I used option 2.

  • In ?fgeo.abundance::abundance

    • "count woods" sounds weird. Maybe say "count individuals"?
    • I think vft2[2,3] should be 1.2, isn't it ?
    • would be good to show how to count abundance of stems and not only individual trees (e.i. a multi-stem tree with 2 stems counts for 2)
  • fgeo.base::check_crutial_name does not show up when running fgeo_help(), like suggested in installation page.
    ?fgeo.base::check_crutial_name returns No documentation for ‘check_crutial_name’ in specified packages and libraries: you could try ‘??check_crutial_name’.
    ??check_crutial_name returns "No results found"

  • fgeo_help("datasets") shows a different set of documentation than in your installation page:



  • In your installation page you write:
    stem6 <- download_data("luquillo_stem6_random")
    but it seems that there no need to do that, stem6 already exsits (along with other datasets), see

I hope this helps a little!

Thanks @ValentineHerr! This helps a lot.

I can test the installation process in a fresh R environment but it is only via feedback that I can learn how it behaves in real-people's environments.

Your comments beyond installation are great. They highlight stuff I became blind to.

Hi @maurolepore, I also used option 2, no problem, I did had to run update.packages(), very useful.

I got curious about fgeo.tool::pick_main_stem(). I think it is very clear what pick_main_stem() does, but not for pick_main_stemid(). You wrote: It only picks the main stemid(s) of each tree in each census and keeps all stems per treeid. If it keeps all stems, which one is the main?

One cannot test these functions with stem6 because all stems are "main" as shown in column codes, so there are not multistems (sorry, I din't explore other datasets, I will later)..

I hope this is useful..

@maurolepore: Not sure what went wrong in my installation. The fgeo package appears to be installed okay, but I cannot use the download_data function. Not sure which package it comes from. I did upload.packages() and fgeo.install::install_github2() already.


My help files also are also different from @ValentineHerr. I only have four things showing up.


Looks like some associated packages are missing from my installation.

Thank you @gonzalezeb! The documentation and the function itself now remind users of the expected R environment. I'm glad you noticed update.packages().

RE: *main_stem() vs. *main_stemid():

You make me realize that I should document this better. pick_main_stemid() is rarely needed and may confuse more often than help. Here is a simplified example that I'm hoping to include in the help file. Do you think this would be clear for most people? Please don't be 'polite', I need to communicate this clearly.

# One `treeID` with multiple stems. 
# `stemID == 1.1` has two measurements (due to buttresses). We want to pick the main one.
# `stemID == 1.2` has a single measurement. It should be preserved.
census <- tribble(
    ~sp, ~treeID, ~stemID,  ~hom, ~dbh, ~CensusID,
  "sp1",     "1",   "1.1",   140,   40,         1,  # main stemID: `hom` > than next row
  "sp1",     "1",   "1.1",   130,   60,         1,
  "sp1",     "1",   "1.2",   130,   55,         1,  # main stemID: The only one


# Picks the main stemid of each stem
pick_main_stemid(census)#> # A tibble: 3 x 6
#>   sp    treeID stemID   hom   dbh CensusID
#>   <chr> <chr>  <chr>  <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>
#> 1 sp1   1      1.1      140    40        1
#> 2 sp1   1      1.2      130    55        1

@ekraichak, thanks for this comment!


You are right, you have an older version of fgeo that has some packages more and some packages less than the latest version. I'm surprised that fgeo.install::install_github2() did not trigger the installation of the missing packages -- fgeo.install::install_github2() is lazy and does not re-install something that you already have, but it should install what you don't have.

My homework:

  • Add a test for this scenario.
  • Document (maybe throw a message) how to update via remove.packages("fgeo") + rerun fgeo.install::intall_github2(). Example below.



My help files also are also different ... I only have four things showing up.

That makes sense. The help files that show up depend on the version of each package you have installed. Now you are a bit behing. For example, here is my output of fgeo::fgeo_help("abundance"):


Thanks, @maurolepore. It works now! It didn't occur to me that I should remove the old package first (duh!). Also for someone like me who doesn't update the packages often, the update_packages() can take an interesting long time. The documentation is now the same as your example.

It didn't occur to me that I should remove the old package first (duh!).

It's always not yours but the designer's fault (i.e. me :)


#> Expected R environment:
#> * R version is recent
#> * All packages are updated (run `update.packages()`)
#> * No other R session is running
#> * Current R session is clean (click Session > Restart R)
#> All CRAN dependencies are installed.
#> All fgeo packages are installed.
#> Next you may run `?follow_up`


Thanks all! I've used your feedback to improve the installation process of fgeo.

If anyone else installs fgeo I'm still very interested in knowing your experience about the installation process itself (

installation worked for me.
below R console printout (copied & pasted):

Console output
R version 3.5.1 (2018-07-02) -- "Feather Spray"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

[Workspace loaded from C:/Users/hogie/Dropbox (Personal)/Enquist Dendrometers (1)/.RData]

Loading required package: arm
Loading required package: MASS

Attaching package:MASSThe following object is masked _by_.GlobalEnv:


Loading required package: Matrix
Loading required package: lme4

Attaching package:lme4The following object is masked _by_.GlobalEnv:


arm (Version 1.10-1, built: 2018-4-12)

Working directory is C:/Users/hogie/Dropbox (Personal)/Enquist Dendrometers (1)

> install.packages("devtools")
Installing package intoC:/Users/hogie/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(aslibis unspecified)
trying URL ''
Content type 'application/zip' length 385030 bytes (376 KB)
downloaded 376 KB

packagedevtoolssuccessfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked

The downloaded binary packages are in
> devtools::install_github("forestgeo/fgeo", upgrade = "never")
Downloading GitHub repo forestgeo/fgeo@master
Downloading GitHub repo forestgeo/fgeo.analyze@master
Downloading GitHub repo forestgeo/fgeo.tool@masterchecking for file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Wondershare\CreatorTemp\RtmpUVTsfK\remotes31443f5c64a2\forestgeo-fgeo.tool-b497631/DESCRIPTION' (515ms)
-  preparing 'fgeo.tool': (539ms)
√  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information
-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
-  checking for empty or unneeded directories
-  building 'fgeo.tool_0.0.0.9005.tar.gz'
Installing package intoC:/Users/hogie/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(aslibis unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'fgeo.tool' ...
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package 'fgeo.tool'
    finding HTML links ... done
    add_id                                  html  
    add_status_tree                         html  
    add_subquad                             html  
    add_var                                 html  
    allquadratslopes                        html  
    as_censuses                             html  
    calcslope                               html  
    check_crucial_names                     html  
    dir_list                                html  
    drop_if_na                              html  
    drop_twice_dead                         html  
    extract_from_habitat                    html  
    extract_insensitive                     html  
    fgeo.tool-package                       html  
    fgeo_elevation                          html  
    fgeo_topography                         html  
    fill_na                                 html  
    filter_status                           html  
    find_data_of_class                      html  
    findborderquads                         html  
    flag_if                                 html  
    flag_if_group                           html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/flag_if_group.Rd:19: file link 'inform' in package 'rlang' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    from_var_to_var                         html  
    guess_plotdim                           html  
    is_multiple                             html  
    list_csv                                html  
    list_df                                 html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/list_df.Rd:25: file link 'full_join' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/list_df.Rd:19: file link 'full_join' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/list_df.Rd:47: file link 'full_join' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    lookup                                  html  
    name_dfs                                html  
    nms                                     html  
    nms_extract_anycase                     html  
    nms_lowercase                           html  
    nms_restore_newvar                      html  
    nms_tidy                                html  
    nms_try_rename                          html  
    pick                                    html  
    pick_drop                               html  
    pick_main_stem                          html  
    pick_plotname                           html  
    pick_recensus                           html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/pick_recensus.Rd:37: file link 'anti_join' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/pick_recensus.Rd:28: file link 'anti_join' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    pick_top                                html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/pick_top.Rd:33: file link 'tail' in package 'utils' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/pick_top.Rd:52: file link 'tail' in package 'utils' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    pipe                                    html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/pipe.Rd:10: file link '%>%' in package 'magrittr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    quadslope                               html  
    rdata_df                                html  
    read_censuses                           html  
    read_fgeo                               html  
    read_with                               html  
    recode_subquad                          html  
    reexports                               html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:35: file link 'summarize' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:35: file link 'ungroup' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:35: file link 'count' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:35: file link 'add_count' in package 'dplyr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:37: file link '%||%' in package 'rlang' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'starts_with' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'ends_with' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'contains' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'matches' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'num_range' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'one_of' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'everything' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/reexports.Rd:41: file link 'last_col' in package 'tidyselect' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    rename_matches                          html  
    sanitize                                html  
    finding level-2 HTML links ... done

    suffix_match                            html  
    suffix_tags_beyond_edge                 html  
    tidyeval                                html  
    to_df                                   html  
    to_df.demography_impl                   html  
    to_df.krig_lst                          html  
    to_df.tt_lst                            html  
    to_tidy_names                           html  
    tool_example                            html  
    type_ensure                             html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/type_ensure.Rd:35: file link 'modify_at' in package 'purrr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    type_fgeo                               html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/type_fgeo.Rd:19: file link 'read.csv' in package 'utils' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/type_fgeo.Rd:20: file link 'read.delim' in package 'utils' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/type_fgeo.Rd:22: file link 'read_csv' in package 'readr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpMXHuFa/R.INSTALL3b1854dc6d23/fgeo.tool/man/type_fgeo.Rd:61: file link 'read_csv' in package 'readr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (fgeo.tool)
In R CMD INSTALLchecking for file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Wondershare\CreatorTemp\RtmpUVTsfK\remotes314455d43ace\forestgeo-fgeo.analyze-b3272cf/DESCRIPTION' (373ms)
-  preparing 'fgeo.analyze':checking DESCRIPTION meta-information
-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
-  checking for empty or unneeded directories
   Removed empty directory 'fgeo.analyze/vignettes'
-  looking to see if a 'data/datalist' file should be added
-  building 'fgeo.analyze_0.0.0.9003.tar.gz'
Installing package intoC:/Users/hogie/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(aslibis unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'fgeo.analyze' ...
** R
** data
*** moving datasets to lazyload DB
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package 'fgeo.analyze'
    finding HTML links ... done
    abundance                               html  
    abundance_byyr                          html  
    abundanceperquad2                       html  
    check_crucial_names                     html  
    demography_impl                         html  
    example_byyr                            html  
    fgeo.analyze-package                    html  
    luquillo_top3_sp                        html  
    pipe                                    html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpCaN4Gd/R.INSTALL2a18532b3266/fgeo.analyze/man/pipe.Rd:10: file link '%>%' in package 'magrittr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    reexports                               html  
    summary.tt_lst                          html  
    tt_test                                 html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (fgeo.analyze)
Downloading GitHub repo forestgeo/ for file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Wondershare\CreatorTemp\RtmpUVTsfK\remotes314419a23203\' (359ms)
-  preparing '': (363ms)
√  checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ... 
-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts (355ms)
-  checking for empty or unneeded directories
-  building 'fgeo.map_0.0.0.9402.tar.gz'
Installing package intoC:/Users/hogie/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(aslibis unspecified)
* installing *source* package '' ...
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package ''
    finding HTML links ... done
    autoplot.fgeo_habitat                   html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/Rtmpg9kyUp/R.INSTALL5df440e2328a/ missing file link 'fgeo_habitat'
    autoplot.sp_elev                        html  
    autoplot_by_species                     html  
    autoplot_by_species.sp_elev             html  
    elev                                    html                        html  
    header_dbh_bubbles                      html  
    header_tag_status                       html  
    headers                                 html  
    paginate                                html  
    pipe                                    html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/Rtmpg9kyUp/R.INSTALL5df440e2328a/ file link '%>%' in package 'magrittr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
    plot_dbh_bubbles_by_quadrat             html  
    plot_tag_status_by_subquadrat           html  
    reexports                               html  
    sp                                      html  
    sp_elev                                 html  
    theme_dbh_bubbles                       html  
    finding level-2 HTML links ... done

    theme_default                           html  
    theme_tag_status                        html  
    themes                                  html  
    vft_1quad                               html  
*** copying figures
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (
Skipping install of 'fgeo.tool' from a github remote, the SHA1 (b497631f) has not changed since last install.
  Use `force = TRUE` to force installationchecking for file 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\Wondershare\CreatorTemp\RtmpUVTsfK\remotes31444b5f1c8d\forestgeo-fgeo-03afa62/DESCRIPTION' (588ms)
-  preparing 'fgeo':checking DESCRIPTION meta-information
-  checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts
-  checking for empty or unneeded directories
-  building 'fgeo_0.0.0.9002.tar.gz'
Installing package intoC:/Users/hogie/Documents/R/win-library/3.5’
(aslibis unspecified)
* installing *source* package 'fgeo' ...
** R
** inst
** byte-compile and prepare package for lazy loading
** help
*** installing help indices
  converting help for package 'fgeo'
    finding HTML links ... done
    fgeo-package                            html  
    fgeo_dependencies                       html  
    fgeo_docs                               html  
    fgeo_help                               html  
    fgeo_link                               html  
    fgeo_pkgs                               html  
    pipe                                    html  
Rd warning: C:/Users/Public/Documents/Wondershare/CreatorTemp/RtmpGAa2Se/R.INSTALL7bc16641cb9/fgeo/man/pipe.Rd:10: file link '%>%' in package 'magrittr' does not exist and so has been treated as a topic
** building package indices
** testing if installed package can be loaded
* DONE (fgeo)
> library(fgeo)
-- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- fgeo --
v fgeo.x     v fgeo.analyze
v fgeo.tool     v

@hoganhaben, thank you very much for your feedback!

I've been working hard in making the installation of fgeo simpler and faster. Can you please try these instructions?

Please let me know if it worked smoothly or you had any issue. Also, please let me know what OS (e.g. mac, windows, linux) and R version you are using.

Thanks to your help we are close to announcing fgeo more widely.

thanks for your hard work on the package. The installation and the instructions worked great for me. I'm working R 3.5.1 and MacOS Mojave (10.14.2). A few thoughts on the process here:

1- update.packages() can be slow and tedious for a lazy R user like me, because I have to type a lot of "yes" to get them to update everything I have neglected. So many I should have thought about update.packages(ask = F).

2- Explore fgeo I'm not sure I understand the interactive part quite clearly. When I ran the code, I pop the documentation page back in my browser (not the viewer in RStudio). Was that the expected outcome?

3- The importing and exporting part with purrr is brilliant, but it can be confusing for beginners. Not sure how much it is necessary for the downstream tutorials, but compared to the rest of the instruction, this section sounds a bit too advanced and could be intimidating for someone who just start using package.

thanks again for working so hard on this. I personally enjoy the verb-based function and the pipe. Hope the others find them useful as well :)

@ekraichak, thanks a lot for your awesome feedback! I edited the installation instructions and examples to reflect your advice (see commits linked above).

Thanks for noticing that the section about importing/exporting data was not crucial to understanding the rest of the examples. I also think that code is intimidating so I wrote this little package: -- I would love to hear you comments and suggestions. Here is an example:

(rdata_files <- fgeo.x::example_path("rdata"))
#> [1] "C:/Users/LeporeM/Documents/R/win-library/3.5/fgeo.x/extdata/rdata"
#> [1] "tree5.RData" "tree6.RData"

#> $tree5
#> # A tibble: 3 x 19
#>   treeID stemID tag   StemTag sp    quadrat    gx    gy MeasureID CensusID
#>    <int>  <int> <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>     <int>    <int>
#> 1    104    143 10009 10009   DACE~ 113      10.3  245.    439947        5
#> 2    119    158 1001~ 100104  MYRS~ 1021    183.   410.    466597        5
#> 3    180    225 1001~ 100174  CASA~ 921     165.   410.    466623        5
#> # ... with 9 more variables: dbh <dbl>, pom <chr>, hom <dbl>,
#> #   ExactDate <date>, DFstatus <chr>, codes <chr>, nostems <dbl>,
#> #   status <chr>, date <dbl>
#> $tree6
#> # A tibble: 3 x 19
#>   treeID stemID tag   StemTag sp    quadrat    gx    gy MeasureID CensusID
#>    <int>  <int> <chr> <chr>   <chr> <chr>   <dbl> <dbl>     <int>    <int>
#> 1    104    143 10009 10009   DACE~ 113      10.3  245.    582850        6
#> 2    119    158 1001~ 100104  MYRS~ 1021    183.   410.    578696        6
#> 3    180    225 1001~ 100174  CASA~ 921     165.   410.    617049        6
#> # ... with 9 more variables: dbh <dbl>, pom <chr>, hom <dbl>,
#> #   ExactDate <date>, DFstatus <chr>, codes <chr>, nostems <dbl>,
#> #   status <chr>, date <dbl>

Created on 2019-02-02 by the reprex package (v0.2.1)

@ValentineHerr, @gonzalezeb, @ekraichak, and @hoganhaben,

Thanks a lot for reviewing fgeo. To acknowledge your contribution you are now listed as reviewers.

Although I would love to keep you engaged in the development of fgeo, I expect nothing else than what you have already done.

  • If you want to be excluded from the reviewers list, let me konw.
  • If you want to stay in the reviewers list, please check that your name, email, and website are ok. You can see the commits above or find yourself in the Developers section of fgeo's website. If all is OK, fine. If not, feel free to edit the files DESCRIPTION and _pkgdown.yml and submit a pull request -- or let me know and I can do it for you.

@maurolepore looks good. Let me know what else I can help you with.

one quick thing, I could not find the function fgeo_browse_reference() in my version of the install. I could by my version of the fgeo code, not sure. but FYI. thoughts?

R console output below.

R version 3.5.2 (2018-12-20) -- "Eggshell Igloo"
Copyright (C) 2018 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)

R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.

R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
Type 'contributors()' for more information and
'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.

Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
Type 'q()' to quit R.

[Workspace loaded from C:/Users/hogie/Dropbox/R WD/.RData]

> library("fgeo")
-- Attaching packages --------------------------------------- fgeo --
v fgeo.x     v fgeo.analyze
v fgeo.tool     v

> if (interactive()) {
+     # To search on the viewer; accepts keywords
+     fgeo_help()
+     # To search on a web browser
+     fgeo_browse_reference() 
+ }
Error in fgeo_browse_reference() : 
  could not find function "fgeo_browse_reference"
> fgeo_help()
> options(
+     repos = c(
+         CRAN = "",
+         forestgeo = ""
+     )
+ )
> update.packages("fgeo")
> library("fgeo")
> if (interactive()) {
+     # To search on the viewer; accepts keywords
+     fgeo_help()
+     # To search on a web browser
+     fgeo_browse_reference() 
+ }
Error in fgeo_browse_reference() : 
  could not find function "fgeo_browse_reference"

Thanks @hoganhaben!

You are right, your version of fgeo lacks fgeo_reference() (opens your browser here).

Please try this and let me know how it goes.

# Setup: Include ForestGEO's CRAN-like repository when searching for packages

# Update all packages (best but see below)
update.packages(ask = FALSE)

# Or remove fgeo and re-install it (if you don't want to update other packages)

@hoganhaben, your update failed because the the call to update.packages() is incorrect.

# Good

# Bad

That is a common mistake and I should show that clearly.

@ValentineHerr, @gonzalezeb, @ekraichak, and @hoganhaben,

I invited you all to join the forestgeo slack workspace. You should get an email with instructions to join. Slack is super cool and you may want to try it with me to test if this free tool could add value to your own organizations. Lots of people use slack not only to develop software but also to teach courses, organize conferences, everything.

Feel free to not join, seriously. I understand we are all flooded with notifications.

@crscalpone, I forgot to mention you in two comments that are relevant to you too: