
forever stop does not really stop

Opened this issue · 9 comments

same situation as in #1001: index.js contains

setInterval(() => console.log('Ping!'), 5000);

forever start index.js starts the script and the monitoring process. forever stop 0 seems to only stop the monitoring process - it removes the running process from forever list though, but the node process with index.js keeps running. On each try there's another one...

(using Windows 10, nodejs 10.6.0, forever 0.15.3)

I encount the same problem, do you have solution.

me to

me too on centos7.4

me too

I also have this problem.

i use command to stop node:

  1. kill foreverpid
  2. kill id
  3. kill id
    twice kill id

ps axf | grep <process name> | grep -v grep | awk '{print "kill -9 " $1}' | sh

  1. This will search the list by the process name,
  2. Removes the grep command from that results list
  3. Create and print the kill command for given process name by PID
  4. Running the kill command

Same - tried on both Windows 7 and CentOS 7.7 - monitor will stop but not the monitored process.

I'm getting this problem now because I upgraded from v1.0.1 - I can confirm that both the monitor and monitored process under v1.0.1 (and other earlier versions) would stop. I've tried a bunch of different configurations and none of them stop the child processes anymore.