
Why am I being ostracized?

Closed this issue · 6 comments

If you are experienced in writing specifications, you're also welcome to join the effort.

So if I have no experience, I am not welcomed in this project and barred from getting the experience?

To clarify:
I think that comment on the is a little too ingrained in the corporate/closed mindset. If this project is to be open as the licenses imply, then it's unnecessary and should be removed. Otherwise, the licenses changed to not include open collaboration.

alternatively, change "welcome" to "encouraged", which probably matches the intent better anyway. (I hope so anyway)

You mentioned several discussions and implied there are other issue trackers, repositories, etc. Can you provide links to useful, active, and open tools being used by this project? In addition to the one on notabug, I also found related information on and

Also, I can't tell or not, because the internet never does a good job and conveying feelings, but if you're peeved by my wording I apologize. I know you feel that it was confrontational and counter-productive, and from your perspective, I can respect that. However, from my perspective, as someone who has only known of this project for less than 48 hours, your response has been a treasure trove of information. So thank you for that. I look forward to participating further if you'll have me.