Premined coins
StyleShit opened this issue · 13 comments
How do I get the premined coins?
I created a config JSON using this tool:
and when I put a wallet address, it doens't even appear in the config response...
Where do I get the wallet address anyway?
Open simplewallet and generate a new address then start the deamon with --genesis-block-reward-address youradress
The daemon returns error:
"Failed to connect to any of seed peers, continuing without seeds"
Hmm that sounds like your seed nodes are not even connected,
./yourcoind --print-genesis-tx --genesis-block-reward-address youradress
then copy the hex to your config and generate another time,
also remember to delete the blockchain DB folder rm -rf ~/.yourcoin/ so there are no conflicts
Why there is no a step-by-step explanation of how to use this generator?
Can u explain the steps needed for the process?
What I did so far is compiling the coin using the generator. What's next? how to I create the nodes and how do I compile a GUI wallet for linux / windows?
Thank you very much! :)
EDIT: When I run mycoin --print-genesis-tx
I get this error:
undefined symbol: _ZN5boost15program_options11to_internalERKSs
@StyleShit this message is because you are missing boost dependencies, it's all explained in the
@zhmrab I already installed the dependencies using the .sh file, but it installed libboost1.58, while the daemon asked for 1.54, so I created symlinks from 1.58 folders to 1.54.
Can you please help me solving that?
@zhmrab when I use ./mycoind --genesis-block-reward-address myaddress
it doesn't work, and shows me the help message with available parameters.
I have similar situation if I run —print-genesis-tx --genesis-block-reward-address youradress after creating a wallet and recompile the daemon and then start again de blockchain and try to open the wallet I get the message wrong genesis.
hi guys,
i follow this procedure, is that correct?
- running 2 vps with configuration file(1)
- running personalMac configuration file(1)
- ./simplewallet create new address on configuration file(1) with (address A generated)
- print-genesis-tx with configuration(1) with genesis-block-reward address (address A) and new tx_hex (hex A) created
- create a new configuration file (2) with the setting from configuration file (1) and replace tx_hex value (hex A) and (reward address A)
- delete configuration file(1) on 2 vps and personalMac and replace configuration file (2)
- delete /.fakecoin/db folder on 2 vps and personalMac
- start ./forknote --config configuration file(2) on 2 vps and personalMac. create new db and running. sync ok
- check wallet connected (address A). status ok
- start_mining with ./miner
when i start mining, the error said couldn't get block template: the stream is eneded
which procedure i doing wrong?
Complete procedure here:
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