
Block unlocker marking all blocks as orphaned

CaptainMeatloaf opened this issue · 9 comments

I'm attempting to set up a pool for turtlecoin (, at, and appear to be having issues with getting the pool to unlock the blocks correctly.

UPDATE: For those using TurtleCoin, this was fixed, this bug still may apply to other cryptonote currencies.

I have set up the daemon and wallet (using simplewallet), and the pool appears to connect to them and read ok.

I then set up my miner to mine to the pool. It has managed to find several successful blocks, however when a block is discovered, the block becomes orphaned after the maturity depth has passed.

There are no obvious errors in any of the logs.

Upon further inspection, it appears that there is an off-by-one error in blockUnlocker.js.

This can be temporarily fixed by changing line 48 of blockUnlocker.js from
apiInterfaces.rpcDaemon('getblockheaderbyheight', {height: block.height}, function(error, result){
apiInterfaces.rpcDaemon('getblockheaderbyheight', {height: block.height + 1}, function(error, result){

However this feels like somewhat of a hack.

Please let me know if you need any more info.

How did you do reprocessing of bad labeled blocks?

I didn't - as I was solo mining and it was a testing phase for the pool, all the blocks found went to me anyway

I have high rate orphan on my turtlecoin pool, but I use the same forknote-pool on intense coin it have normal orphan rate
This problem cause by turtlecoin or?

That's a bug in Turtlecoin that we as the pool ops have a fix for - ask on discord.

what's the fix for this at the coins level?

Same issue on leviarcoin. I made the same fix as OP, but does anyone have a better one? Maybe an option in the config file to address the off by one issue for crappily coded coins?

Could anyone of you post the fix for this issue here?

You can look at the commit history of TurtleCoin to find the fix, it was done pretty early on

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