Create UI Templates
BenMaruchu opened this issue · 0 comments
See the Project Overview.
- Expected Length to Complete: 1 week
- Due Date: 11th May 2019
Challenge Summary
You are required to create a UI template using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
Important Note
- To be eligible for this challenge, you must have completed the initial assessment.
- You are not implementing the core functionality yet, you are only building the User interface elements, pages and views!
- You are to create a pull request to elicit review and feedback for the UI templates when you are done working on them.
- DO NOT download or use an already built website template.
- DO NOT use any CSS frameworks like: Bootstrap, Materialize, Bulma e.t.c.
- DO NOT use any JavaScript framework or library like React, Angular, and Vue.
On Github Project Board, create user stories to setup the User interface elements:
User sign up and sign in pages
A page/pages where the User can do the following:
a. View all available ride offers.
b. See the details of a ride and respond to it
c. Offer a ride
d. View and accept requests for the ride offer he/she created -
A page or pages for a user’s profile which, at minimum, displays:
a. The number of rides the user has given
b. The number of rides the user has taken
c. List of rides taken and given -
On GitHub Project Board, create user stories to capture any other tasks not captured above. For this challenge, a task can be a feature, a bug or a chore.
On a feature branch, create a directory called ui in your local Git repo and build out all the necessary pages specified above and UI elements that will allow the application function into the UI directory.
Host your UI templates on GitHub pages.
Helpful Links
For a complete beginner, Get started with the Web here.
For specific questions on Web development, check out these common questions on web development.
If you need to go beyond the basics, step into HTML & CSS with the Introduction to HTML and the Introduction to CSS guide.
Scripting is fun. Scripting can also be intimidating. Let's make our first steps into JavaScript with some fundamentals then solidify our understanding with its building blocks.
Understanding the GitHub Flow - Learn how to use GitHub's power feature, branches in a pragmatic & stress-free way. The GitHub Flow holds together strong opinions that will ease your development workflow.