The summary , about learning and exercise on HTML
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So the long form of HTML is a hypertext markup language. It's not a programming language.
It's a markup language for creating webpages and HTML documents.
It's a building block of a webpage.
Tag Syntax
these are building blocks of the HTML page.
- the tags are usually in pairs (opening and closing tags)
- The closing tag is usually with a forward slash after the angle opening bracket.
- but some are self-closing tags, they usually do not have any content with them eg;
line break,
HTML page structure
page </title>
paragraph </p>
tells the browser what type of HTML the document is actually written in.
the inline tags and block level element tags
- Inline elements;
they do not start on a newline .
they only take necessar width in the line level . examples can be ,
- Block elements;
they start on a newline,
and they take a full width available.
Tag attributes
<tagname atributename="atributevalue">content</tagname>
- Attributes provide info about an element.
- All tags can have an attribute.
- always placed within the start tag.
list tags
for unordered list
this list in a document will appear with bullets -
ordered list
this list will have number.
Table tags
for table head
table rows
for adding data in the table.
table body
Form tags
<form action="" method"POST/GET"></form>
so that's some of the summaries on HTML.