How to Request for Code Review
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Before You Start
Add our awesome code reviewers as collaborators to your repository. To do this:
- Go to Settings tab,
- Then, select, Collaborators and teams.
- Click, Add a collaborator. and input the usernames of our awesome code reviewers.
Code review or Pull-request Steps
Create feature branch. It must originate from the develop branch and not the master branch.
Do all your work on the feature branch.
Do commit early and often, aim to make the first commit of your feature as soon as possible. Make them small and focused on completing a specific task. This way, it is easier to pick up on bugs very fast and will also help our code reviewers can give us much more insights and help about our code.
Publish then perfect later. Once you are done with the feature (or some aspects of it), create a pull request and request for review. Remember to add all listed collaborators so that anyone available can begin reviewing your pull request as soon as possible.
In case of any question, please, feel free to drop in a comment or shoot all your mails to