
[BUG] Upgrade 1.5 -> 1.6.x fails

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Issue Summary

Trying to upgrade according to the guides fails at database migration

Steps to Reproduce

docker run --rm   --network=formbricks_default   -e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public"   -e UPGRADE_TO_VERSION="v1.6"
Unable to find image '' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: manifest unknown.
See 'docker run --help'.

If i use the specific image for 1.6.1 I get

sudo docker run --rm --network=formbricks_default -e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public" -e UPGRADE_TO_VERSION="v1.6"

> @formbricks/database@0.1.0 data-migration:v1.6 /app/packages/database
> ts-node ./migrations/20240207041922_advanced_targeting/data-migration.ts

Invalid `prisma.survey.findMany()` invocation in

  13 async function main() {
  14   await prisma.$transaction(async (tx) => {
→ 15     const allSurveysWithAttributeFilters = await prisma.survey.findMany(
The column `Survey.createdBy` does not exist in the current database.
    at In.handleRequestError (/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:122:6854)
    at In.handleAndLogRequestError (/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:122:6188)
    at In.request (/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:122:5896)
    at async l (/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:127:10871)
    at async /app/packages/database/migrations/20240207041922_advanced_targeting/data-migration.ts:15:44
    at async Proxy._transactionWithCallback (/app/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:127:9534)
    at async main (/app/packages/database/migrations/20240207041922_advanced_targeting/data-migration.ts:14:3) {
  code: 'P2022',
  clientVersion: '5.11.0',
  meta: { modelName: 'Survey', column: 'Survey.createdBy' }
 ELIFECYCLE  Command failed with exit code 1.

Expected behavior

Expected the migration to succeed

Other information

No response


No response


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  • Self-hosted Formbricks

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Thank you for opening your first issue! 🙏❤️ One of our team members will review it and get back to you as soon as it possible. 😊

The tag is incorrect in the doc. Should be:

docker run --rm   --network=formbricks_default   -e DATABASE_URL="postgresql://postgres:postgres@postgres:5432/formbricks?schema=public"   -e UPGRADE_TO_VERSION="v1.6"

Thanks, tagging the migration container to v1.6.0 was still failing the migration script.

With help via Discord, one additional step helped to mitigate the issue:

Pinning the formbricks docker image to v1.6.1:

Can you please try to set the version in the docker compose file to v1.6.1 instead of latest to be sure that the right version was getting pulled and started?


Finally to mitigate an issue with redirects, the client package needs to be pinned to 1.6.5

Please also upgrade to formbricks-js 1.6.5 as soon as possible to avoid any issues with the unpkg resolution.

npm install @formbricks/js@~1.6.5

Thanks @laurens for writing down and sharing your solution 😊