
[BUG] @formbricks/types can't be used to build custom formbricks client

Opened this issue · 4 comments

Issue Summary

@formbricks/types is not on npm

Steps to Reproduce

npm i @formbricks/js and open the index.d.ts file. it referenced to non-existed (private) packages

Expected behavior

@formbricks/types is published to npm or bundled to @formbricks/js

Other information

No response


No response


  • Formbricks Cloud (
  • Self-hosted Formbricks

Desktop (please complete the following information)

- OS: macOS
- Node: 20
- npm: 10

Thank you for opening your first issue! 🙏❤️ One of our team members will review it and get back to you as soon as it possible. 😊

@KatSick thanks for pointing that out :-) We will check on that and see how we can update the type definitions to not be dependent on these files 😊

@pandeymangg Please check if this is still true for the new js, js-core, api & surveys packages. I would prefer if we can include the types directly into these packages without a cross-dependency with @formbricks/types

I would prefer if we can include the types directly into these packages without a cross-dependency with @formbricks/types

That would be great!