
[BUG] Unnecessary loader in Actions tab

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Issue Summary

When tapping on the Actions tab in the Actions & Attribute nav item, there's a CLS because of the appearance of a tiny loader which is not required. We see the "Add Action" button then have the loader and again see the "Add Action" button.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Click on the Actions and Attributes item from the navbar
  2. Click on the Actions tab
  3. Click on the Attributes tab
  4. Click again on the Actions tab

Expected behavior

The loader should be removed and the "Add Action" button should be shown directly like there's "How to add attributes" button in the Attributes tab. Or we can have a loader inside the button for "Add Action" the same as we have in "How to add attributes" button.

Other information


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  • Self-hosted Formbricks

Desktop (please complete the following information)

- OS: Mac OS Sonoma 14.4

Thank you for opening your first issue! 🙏❤️ One of our team members will review it and get back to you as soon as it possible. 😊

Thanks for reporting this :-) I think it's a small issue with the loading.tsx inside the action route and can be changed easily :-)
