
[BUG] In-App sync request - Error 500

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Issue Summary

Since a few days, I started to experience an internal server error when trying to sync the configurations from I tested this using the npm package and also the CDN library.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Initialize a base project.
  2. Add the HTML CDN library using the Formbricks Cloud services.

Expected behavior

To work as expected.

Other information

The response of the request:{envId}/in-app/sync/{idHidden}?version=1.6.5

    "code": "internal_server_error",
    "message": "Unable to handle the request: [\n  {\n    \"code\": \"invalid_type\",\n    \"expected\": \"date\",\n    \"received\": \"string\",\n    \"path\": [\n      \"segment\",\n      \"createdAt\"\n    ],\n    \"message\": \"Expected date, received string\"\n  },\n  {\n    \"code\": \"invalid_type\",\n    \"expected\": \"date\",\n    \"received\": \"string\",\n    \"path\": [\n      \"segment\",\n      \"updatedAt\"\n    ],\n    \"message\": \"Expected date, received string\"\n  }\n]",
    "details": {}




  • Formbricks Cloud (
  • Self-hosted Formbricks

Desktop (please complete the following information)

- OS: Windows 10
- Node: v18.16.0
- npm: v9.5.1

@saenzramiro thanks for pointing this out 😊 I just pushed a fix that should solve the issue :-)