
[BUG] After adding logic in survey it crashes application

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Issue Summary

While I was trying to add logic to my survey by mistake forgot to end the survey. I created a loophole that goes like the below image.
Q1 ->Q4 -> Q2 -> Q3 -> Q4 ->Q2 going on like this



Steps to Reproduce

  1. create a survey and add logic that creates a loop
  2. publish the survey and try to fill it
  3. come back to your application

Expected behavior

If logic is incorporated into a survey, it must conclude appropriately. If logic is added to the majority of the questions, the survey should end properly. However, if there is a loop in the logic or if the final question incorporates logic, it must be thoroughly reviewed before permission is granted to publish the survey.

Other information

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Desktop (please complete the following information)

- OS: Linux
- Node: 20
- npm: