
bootstraping application outputs bad request

biswanaths opened this issue · 3 comments


I was trying to bootstrap an formion app using the following command.

formio bootstrap formio/formio-app-todo
formio bootstrap formio/formio-app-formio

I am getting bad request after I have enter the authentication information. Can you guys help me with this error ?

Hello @biswanaths. I should have some time tonight to figure out what the errors are. Thanks for reporting!

If it helps this is the response I am getting from the api.

When I fire this

var response = formio.authenticate('biswanath@......', '12345678').then(function() { console.log("done"); })


{ state: 'rejected',
   { [Error: Bad Request]
     original: null,
      Response {
        domain: [Object],
        _events: {},
        _eventsCount: 0,
        _maxListeners: undefined,
        res: [Object],
        request: [Object],
        req: [Object],
        links: {},
        text: '"Unique fields cannot be empty."',
        body: 'Unique fields cannot be empty.',
        files: {},
        buffered: true,
        headers: [Object],
        header: [Object],
        statusCode: 400,
        status: 400,
        statusType: 4,
        info: false,
        ok: false,
        redirect: false,
        clientError: true,
        serverError: false,
        error: [Object],
        accepted: false,
        noContent: false,
        badRequest: true,
        unauthorized: false,
        notAcceptable: false,
        forbidden: false,
        notFound: false,
        charset: 'utf-8',
        type: 'application/json',
        setEncoding: [Function: bound ],
        redirects: [] },
     status: 400 } }

Username and password both are valid, I assume as I can login from the portal.

Thanks for your help! That did help a lot. I was able to figure out the issue and pushed up a new version of the cli tool. Please try again by reinstalling with the following.

npm install -g formio-cli