
Use formtastic with ActiveAdmin create deep nested form

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Using Rails 6, I am designing an application for manage police fines.
A user can violate many articles, an article can have many letters and a letter can have many commas.

This is my implementations:

class Fine < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :violations
  has_many :articles, through: :violations
  has_many :letters, through: :violations
  has_many :commas, through: :violations
class Article < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :letters
  has_many :violations
  has_many :fines, through: :violations
class Letter < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :article
  has_many :commas

  has_many :violations
  has_many :fines, through: :violations

class Comma < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :letter

  has_many :violations
  has_many :fines, through: :violations
class Violation < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :fine

  belongs_to :article
  belongs_to :letter, optional: true
  belongs_to :comma, optional: true

When I print the Fine in pdf I need to show violations: articles, letters and commas.

I have some difficult creating form to compile the Fine with articles,letters,commas becouse is too deep.

I am using Active Admin, when I create new Fine I want to associate many violations.

Violation example:
 => #<Violation id: nil, article_id: nil, fine_id: nil, letter_id: nil, comma_id: nil, note: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> 

How can I create a form (using Active Admin, who use Formtastic) to associate many violations to a Fine?

Example form: when create new Fine I want associate articles, letters and commas:

enter image description here

Example (with sample data): fine: fine, article: a, letter: a.letters.last, comma: a.letters.second.commas.last
 => #<Violation id: nil, article_id: 124, fine_id: 66, letter_id: 10, comma_id: 4, note: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil> 

@cristianogregnanin Can you post your question on StackOverflow? Getting things working in ActiveAdmin is sometimes tricky. Here we're a couple of maintainers and we can't find time to answer usage questions, I think a wider community can help you in StackOverflow!

Sorry, given its title I thought this issue had been posted on the ActiveAdmin repo 😅. I still think you might have more help in StackOverflow :)

Actually I now see that you posted the exact same thing on the ActiveAdmin repo 🤣.

@cristianogregnanin Can you post your question on StackOverflow? Getting things working in ActiveAdmin is sometimes tricky. Here we're a couple of maintainers and we can't find time to answer usage questions, I think a wider community can help you in StackOverflow!

Hi, I have posted on stackoverflow but I have no answer. I am not only person in the world with this problem, but I haven't found solutions

mikz commented

I see your SO question is marked as solved, closing the issue.