
Fraternity website for uploading and querying university exam documents (and more)

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is code I wrote years ago in college after I promised to create a website for my fraternity. This was my first time writing html, css, php, javascript, and was my first experience managing a live website. If you are looking for state of the art, turn back now. You won't find any fancy php templating frameworks here; this is old school. I remember at the time trying my best to seperate php, javascript, and html. The sphagetti didn't turn out half bad! I am proud I wrote this as a first attempt and with little programming experience. I learned so much writing this.

The website has two main functionalities:

  1. Users can upload test documents (midterms, final exams etc.), which can then be queried (and downloaded) based on class or professor etc. Multiple page documents, once submitted, are merged together into one pdf for download. Prior to this tool, the fraternity had a large storage cabinet filled with test documents. This was not ideal because only one person could use each document at a time (and come finals, everybody wants the same document), and you coulddnot access the documents remotely for studying, say, from the library.

  2. Users can add textbooks to their book collection so other members of the fraternity know which textbooks everybody owns. This helps members discover textbooks they could borrow instead of buy. Books are added by their ISBN number, and I wrote a service to scrape relevant book information (cover image, author etc.) based on the ISBN, which I upload to a books database.

I make no guarantees there are no security flaws :)


This code has some dependencies which at the moment are not included in soure control. The two that I remember are pdftk, a pdf merging tool, and having a SQL database set up with the proper schema. There does not appear to be a database creation script.

I really just wanted to get the code somewhere online so I can delete it from my hard drive. Maybe I will figure out these issues and host this later.