
A binary encoding and decoding library for Kotlin using annotation processing and compile-time code generation.

Primary LanguageKotlinOtherNOASSERTION


A binary encoding and decoding library for Kotlin.

Strukt is a library and annotation processor which generates encoding and decoding code at compile-time. It aims to simplify the implementation of binary parsers and encoders as much as possible, without compromising on flexibility.

The project is still in development and will reach version 1.0 once a minimum set of features is implemented. Version numbers follow the semantic versioning rules, therefore the API might change before v1.0 is reached.


@Struct  // Mark class as struct
data class SomeStruct(  // It is NOT required to use data classes
    val intField: Int,
    var longField: Long  // Both val and var are supported

fun main() {
    val buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(12)  // Allocate a buffer
    val original = SomeStruct(1234, 5678)  // Create a struct instance

    val strukt = Strukt.Builder().build()  // Obtain a Strukt instance

    strukt.write(original, buf)  // Write the struct to buf

    buf.position(0)  // Reset buf position

    val decoded = strukt.read<SomeStruct>(buf)  // Read the struct from buf

    assert(original == decoded)


Right now, the following are supported:

  • Primitive types
  • Infinitely nested structs
  • Fixed size array fields
  • Variable size array fields:
    • Based on preceding integer field

Planned features:

  • Variable size array fields:
    • Based on terminator sequence for ByteArray
  • Tagged unions via sealed classes
  • Custom type codecs (resolved at compile-time)


Human friendly documentation is coming soon, meanwhile you can generate a KDoc reference by running:

./gradlew dokkaHtml

The result will be written to docs/.


This library requires kapt.


As this library is not yet available from any repo, you can use it through the composite build feature of Gradle, by cloning the project somewhere and including it by adding the following to your settings.gradle file:

includeBuild "path/to/source"

After doing that, you'll be able to use it as a dependency as if it was from a Maven repo.

Groovy DSL (build.gradle)

plugins {
    id "org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt" version "1.4.31"

dependencies {
    def struktVersion = "0.2.0"

    implementation "org.catafratta.strukt:strukt:$struktVersion"
    kapt "org.catafratta.strukt:strukt:$struktVersion"

Kotlin DSL (build.gradle.kts)

plugins {
    kotlin("kapt") version "1.4.31"

dependencies {
    val struktVersion = "0.2.0"



Pull requests are welcome, please make sure that all tests pass before submitting your patch. New code submitted to this repo must be covered by tests.