
Remove violations from forseti visualizer .

ajayakumar-jayaraj opened this issue · 4 comments

I have to limit the forseti visualizer only for viewing the org level resources and not displaying violations. i reset the flag to on showViolations: false on Body.vue and Navbar.vue , but still it displays the violations on the visualizer. Please let me know the steps to follow on this

@ajayakumar-jayaraj After changing those settings, did you re-run npm run build and redeploy the application? Which platform do you have Visualizer deployed on?

There are two showViolations flags. One consists of the data of the parent component, and the other one would be that of the child component. Can you confirm what happens if you set both to false?

Added 'question' label.

A showViolations flag has been added within a previous iteration of the code base. Closing Issue.