
WIP: Stake delegation

Ramarti opened this issue · 0 comments

FortaStaking and related contracts should support stake delegation. By stake delegation, we understand there are 2 types of stakers now:

  • Stake subject stakers: "Main" stakers on the subject. They stake for Scanner Nodes and Bots, being exposed potentially to more rewards and more risks since we assume they bear the technical work of providing a subject to stake on. Their stake is more related to the security of the network.
  • Delegators: They signal the network by staking their tokens on a stake subject. This kind of stake is more related to the discovery, and prioritization of the subject they refer to.

Subject -> Delegator relationships

Each subject can:

  • Define a rewardsSharing percentage that indicates how much of the rewards will be assigned to their delegators, to be distributed between the delegator shareholders proportionally.

General parameters, for each relationship:

  • slashPercentage: transfer of stake slashed when slashing a subject. 100% would be equal slashing
  • paramCooldown: amount of time to pass between a subject owner changing parameters.

Other specs

  • Staking on subjects should assert ownership of the resource
  • disabling a subject should eliminate withdrawal delay for delegators