
Error when blob container does not exits

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Once I configure package to be used with AzureBlobStorageCache like this:

services.AddForteEpiResponsivePicture(o =>
    o.ConnectionString = configuration.GetValue<string>("ConnectionStrings:EPiServerAzureBlobs");
    o.ContainerName = "container-name"

and the container with name of container-name does not exist I'm getting an error when trying to access an image that should be
resized (for example with width GET parameter), ie https://localhost:53650/contentassets/632a4571069040fbad30c72ea8426f90/bench.jpg?width=130


An unhandled exception occurred while processing the request.
RequestFailedException: The specified container does not exist.
Status: 404 (The specified container does not exist.)
ErrorCode: ContainerNotFound

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Message>The specified container does not exist.

BTW when working on this issue it would be nice to add some sort of validation of options, because if I forget to pass for example container-name:

services.AddForteEpiResponsivePicture(o =>
    o.ConnectionString = configuration.GetValue<string>("ConnectionStrings:EPiServerAzureBlobs");

I will get nasty error (without proper error message) when trying to access image