
fortinet.fortios.fortios_firewall_policy and policyid

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Quick question on policyid. What policyid would you suggest if I want it to be the 1st rule, but not overwrite an existing policyid #1?
Is there a way for a new rule to become rule 1 without deleting another rule?

If I run this playbook as is, it would change my existing rule #1 that does something else.SInce some of my firewalls may have more rules than others, I would never know a good # to put in policyid without having this possibly overwrite another rule doing something else with the same policyid.

  • name: Add Block Rules
    vdom: "{{ vdom }}"
    state: "present"
    action: "deny"
    name: "Blocked IPs"
    name: "any"
    name: "any"
    name: "all"
    name: "BLOCKED"
    logtraffic: "all"
    schedule: "always"
    name: "ALL"
    utm_status: "enable"
    nat: "enable"
    policyid: "1"

It looks like I need to add:
action: move
before: ..... Not sure what to put for mkey... I need for existing rule 1 as that would be different on each fw

Hi @chr00ted ,

Thank you for your question. I have prepared a script to create a firewall policy with policy ID 7, query all existing policies to get the first-order policy's ID, and then move the newly created policy to the top position. I hope this will be helpful for your situation.

By the way, if we set the policy ID to 0, FortiOS (FOS) will automatically assign a number to it. Since FOS uses the policy ID to locate specific policies, we need to update the policy ID from 0 to the corresponding assigned policy ID. Otherwise, Ansible will create another new policy with ID 0. If you want to know the assigned policy ID, you can use the fortios_configuration_fact module to query it. You can find the assigned policy ID using fw_info.meta[0].results[-1].policyid.

  - fortios_firewall_policy:
        action: accept
        comments: ansible
        - name: all
        - name: port1
        name: fw-policy
        policyid: 7
        schedule: always
        logtraffic: "all"
        - name: ALL
        - name: all
        - name: port1
      state: '{{state}}'
      vdom: '{{vdom}}'
    name: create a fw policy with policyid 7

  - name: query all fw policies
        - selector: firewall_policy
    register: fw_info

  - debug: msg="{{ fw_info.meta[0].results[0].policyid }}"  #<--- get the first policy id
    name: check the first policy's id

  - fortios_firewall_policy:
      vdom: '{{vdom}}'
      self: 7
      before: "{{ fw_info.meta[0].results[0].policyid | int }}"
      action: move
    name: move created fw policy to the top


Maxx, you are the man! Thank you! I'm going to test this out.

That worked, thank you Max!