
documentation related update

JaydenLiang opened this issue · 0 comments

General - Azure parameter names have a capital letter for each word. AWS does not. As such, some descriptions need to be updated.

  • AccessRestrictionIPRange has "IP" (both uppercase), FortiAnalyzerCustomPrivateIpAddress has "Ip" (lowercase p). Please change Ip to IP to be consistent with AWS documentation.

  • FortiAnalyzerAutoscaleAdminPassword mentions the 'Autoscale admin username'. Please change to "FortiAnalyzer Autoscale Admin Username" to match the Azure parameter name. I also made some minor updates to end up with: Password for the 'FortiAnalyzer Autoscale Admin Username'. The password must conform to the FortiAnalyzer password policy and have a minimum length of 8 and a maximum length of 128. If you need to enable KMS encryption, refer to the documentation.

  • FortiAnalyzer Autoscale Admin Username Is there a reason for not using the description for the equivalent AWS parameter? (The name of the secondary administrator-level account in the FortiAnalyzer, which FortiGate Autoscale uses to connect to the FortiAnalyzer to authorize any FortiGate device in the Auto Scaling group. To conform to the FortiAnalyzer naming policy, the user name can only contain numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and hyphens. It cannot start or end with a hyphen (-).)

  • FortiAnalyzer Instance Type Please change FortiAnalyzer VM to FortiAnalyzer-VM (added hyphen). Observation - this description is shorter than for AWS. I'll need to log into Azure to determine if more changes are needed here.

  • FortiAnalyzer Version. Please change Auto Scaling to Autoscale from the description.

  • Autosccale should be Autoscale