
Internal stream I/O

ivan-pi opened this issue · 0 comments


In some cases it is necessary to read data from a character string in "stream" mode. Fortran does not support stream access on internal files.

In C this can be done using fread, where the file handle is associated to a character buffer; on POSIX conforming systems, this can be done using fmemopen. In C++ the std::basic_stringstream can be used for this purpose.

An interface in Fortran could look something like this:

! Read data from stream into buffer
! buffer ... object where the read data will be stored
! size ... number of bytes to be read
! stream ... the character string to be treated as a stream
! ierr ... error flag
subroutine stream_read(buffer,size,stream,ierr)
   integer, parameter :: ascii = selected_char_kind ("ascii")
   type(*), intent(inout) :: buffer
   integer, intent(in) :: size
   character(len=:,kind=ascii), pointer, intent(inout) :: stream
   integer, intent(out), optional :: ierr
end subroutine

It may be possible to use a deferred-rank object (i.e. dimension(..)) to automatically convey the dimensions of the buffer. But I suppose the element size needs to be communicated separately. This would be similar to how MPI procedures work:

Prior Art

stdlib already contains a similar function to_num_from_stream (spec found here).

Additional Information

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