File /stdlib/example/linalg/example_sparse_from_ijv.f90
tof92130 opened this issue · 4 comments
tof92130 commented
line 38 to compile with gfortran-14.2.0:
print '(3I4,x,3f8.1)', ELL%index(i,:) , ELL%data(I,:)
sourd be:
print '(3I4,1x,3f8.1)', ELL%index(i,:) , ELL%data(i,:)
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jalvesz commented
The current line is
print '(3I4,x,3f8.1)', ELL%index(i,:) , ELL%data(i,:)
So I guess the comment is about the white space formatter x
vs 1x
? If so, sure, I did not realize as both run with all compilers tested including gfortran 14.2. I see no problem changing it for 1x
ivan-pi commented
I think that the whitespace specifier must have a numeral in front to be standard.
print '(I0,X,I0)', 5, 6
Compiled with gfortran -Wall -pedantic
you get the message:
1 | print '(I0,X,I0)', 5, 6
| 1
Warning: GNU Extension: X descriptor requires leading space count at (1)
Compiler returned: 0