Floating point exception encountered in `svdvals(A)` originating from a call to `stdlib_ieeeck`
Closed this issue · 1 comments
I've been playing around with the new matrix norm function mnorm
and found that a floating point exception (a division by zero in particular) is raised if I compile the run code with
fpm run --compiler "gfortran" --flag "-Og -g3 -fbacktrace -ffpe-trap=zero"
After some quick investigation, it seems that the culprit is somewhere in the calling tree of svdvals
. Here is a MWE.
program main
use stdlib_linalg_constants, only: dp
use stdlib_linalg, only: mnorm, svdvals, svd
implicit none
integer, parameter :: n = 3
real(dp) :: A(n, n)
real(dp) :: S(n)
!> Initialize random matrix.
call random_number(A)
!> Compute its singular values.
S = svdvals(A)
end program main
When compiling with the command above, I get
Program received signal SIGFPE: Floating-point exception - erroneous arithmetic operation.
Backtrace for this error:
#0 0x7f907d4b851f in ???
at ./signal/../sysdeps/unix/sysv/linux/x86_64/libc_sigaction.c:0
#1 0x555ee55a277a in __stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux_MOD_stdlib_ieeeck
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux.F90:136
#2 0x555ee55a3a01 in __stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux_MOD_stdlib_ilaenv
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux.F90:1369
#3 0x555ee5788b76 in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dlasq2
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_svd_bidiag_qr.f90:725
#4 0x555ee578ac7e in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dlasq1
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_svd_bidiag_qr.f90:169
#5 0x555ee56e08e5 in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dbdsqr
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3.f90:561
#6 0x555ee57d5860 in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dlasdq
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_bidiag_dc.f90:3504
#7 0x555ee56da988 in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dbdsdc
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3.f90:2239
#8 0x555ee559ab05 in __stdlib_lapack_eig_svd_lsq_MOD_stdlib_dgesdd
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers2.f90:1517
#9 0x555ee554c060 in __stdlib_linalg_MOD_stdlib_linalg_svd_d
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_linalg_svd.f90:489
#10 0x555ee554dbff in __stdlib_linalg_MOD_stdlib_linalg_svdvals_d
at build/dependencies/stdlib/src/stdlib_linalg_svd.f90:320
#11 0x555ee55446c4 in MAIN__
at app/main.f90:11
#12 0x555ee554472d in main
at app/main.f90:2
Floating point exception (core dumped)
<ERROR> Execution for object " MWE_stdlib_mnorm " returned exit code 136
<ERROR> *cmd_run*:stopping due to failed executions
STOP 136
I get something very similar if I compile with ifx
<INFO> BUILD_NAME: build/ifx
<INFO> COMPILER OPTIONS: -fpp -O0 -g -traceback -check all -check bounds -check uninit, -ftrapuv -debug all
[100%] Project compiled successfully.
+ build/ifx_A1EB479C3608C637/app/MWE_stdlib_mnorm
forrtl: error (73): floating divide by zero
Image PC Routine Line Source
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 000000000046E723 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F70F79C1520 Unknown Unknown Unknown
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 0000000000BF00BC stdlib_ieeeck 136 stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux.F90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 0000000000C22DDF stdlib_ilaenv 1369 stdlib_linalg_lapack_aux.F90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 00000000040422C5 stdlib_dlasq2 725 stdlib_lapack_svd_bidiag_qr.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 00000000040168FD stdlib_dlasq1 170 stdlib_lapack_svd_bidiag_qr.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 0000000002E9A13B stdlib_dbdsqr 562 stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 0000000004B24626 stdlib_dlasdq 3547 stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_bidiag_dc.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 0000000002F4C703 stdlib_dbdsdc 2238 stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers3.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 00000000005F3BCE stdlib_dgesdd 1516 stdlib_lapack_eigv_svd_drivers2.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 00000000004E11A5 stdlib_linalg_svd 488 stdlib_linalg_svd.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 00000000004C4A91 stdlib_linalg_svd 320 stdlib_linalg_svd.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 000000000049A926 main 11 main.f90
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 000000000040E339 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F70F79A8D90 Unknown Unknown Unknown
libc.so.6 00007F70F79A8E40 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
MWE_stdlib_mnorm 000000000040E236 Unknown Unknown Unknown
<ERROR> Execution for object " MWE_stdlib_mnorm " returned exit code 134
<ERROR> *cmd_run*:stopping due to failed executions
STOP 134
Here are the first few lines of stdlib_ieeeck
pure integer(ilp) function stdlib_ieeeck( ispec, zero, one )
!! IEEECK is called from the ILAENV to verify that Infinity and
!! possibly NaN arithmetic is safe (i.e. will not trap).
! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, --
! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
! Scalar Arguments
integer(ilp), intent(in) :: ispec
real(sp), intent(in) :: one, zero
! =====================================================================
! Local Scalars
real(sp) :: nan1, nan2, nan3, nan4, nan5, nan6, neginf, negzro, newzro, posinf
! Executable Statements
stdlib_ieeeck = 1
posinf = one / zero
The error seems to originate from this last line with the division by zero being trapped when compiling with -ffpe-trap=zero
. This seems to be a recuring cause of concerns when working in debug mode (see here or here for instance). It probably is more of a lapack
issue than stdlib
per say but even so, if any one knows a work-around that'd be great. Maybe a known issues
page could be added to the stdlib
website where this error is being referenced for everyone to be aware.
Expected Behaviour
It should just work I guess.
Version of stdlib
Platform and Architecture
Ubuntu 22.04.5 LTS
Additional Information
Compilers tested:
gfortran 14.2.0
ifx 2025.0.4 (20241205)
Some additional observations:
- If instead of a random matrix, I instantiate the matrix as
A = eye(n, mold=1.0_dp)
, the whole thing works correctly. - If I do
call svd(A, S, U, Vt)
, the whole thing works correctly.
A quick search shows that:
- the check is made when calling
(check that inf and nan math is supported) orstdlib_ilaenv(11,...)
(check inf only). stdlib_ilaenv(11,...)
seems to never get usedstdlib_ilaenv(10,...)
appears a few times in*HEEVR
I think we could just replace these tests with the modern ieee_arithmetic
pure integer(ilp) function stdlib_ieeeck(ispec,zero,one)
! -- lapack auxiliary routine --
! -- lapack is a software package provided by univ. of tennessee, --
! -- univ. of california berkeley, univ. of colorado denver and nag ltd..--
! Scalar Arguments
integer(ilp),intent(in) :: ispec
real(sp),intent(in) :: one,zero
! =====================================================================
! Executable Statements
stdlib_ieeeck = 1
! Test support for infinity values
if (.not.ieee_support_inf(one)) then
stdlib_ieeeck = 0
end if
! return if we were only asked to check infinity arithmetic
if (ispec == 0) return
if (.not.ieee_support_nan(one)) then
stdlib_ieeeck = 0
end if
end function stdlib_ieeeck