
Getting "LoadError: cannot load such file -- cap-ec2/capistrano" issue suddenly with Capistrano gem v3.4.1

ethicalmohit opened this issue · 1 comments


We are getting below issue while deploying from Jenkins suddenly.


  • cap dev deploy
    WARNING: load:defaults has already been invoked and can no longer be modified.
    Check that you haven't loaded a Capistrano plugin in deploy.rb by mistake.
    Plugins must be loaded in the Capfile to initialize properly.
    (Backtrace restricted to imported tasks)
    cap aborted!
    can't modify frozen #<Class:#Rake::Task:0x000000012a3bd0>

Caused by:
LoadError: cannot load such file -- cap-ec2/capistrano

gem 'cap-ec2', '~> 1.0'

Any hint?

This has been fixed by loading cap-ec2/capistrano in Capfile.