
Error when using x-hidden: Laravel returns "View [bootstrap-4.components.forms.inputs.hidden] not found"

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I encountered an error while using the x-hidden input.
Laravel is returning the following error message: "View [bootstrap-4.components.forms.inputs.hidden] not found".
It seems that Laravel is unable to locate the specified view.

Steps to reproduce:

Add the x-hidden element.
Observe the error message displayed.

Error message :
View [bootstrap-4.components.forms.inputs.hidden] not found.

Additional information:

Laravel version: 10.13.5
Relevant code snippets or configurations:

Please let me know if there is any further information needed.

forxer commented

Ah yes necessarily if I forget to put the view, it is not likely to work. I fix that in the next version, thanks.

forxer commented

fixed in 0.7.0