
If a music file doesn't have an album name, album art won't be displayed.

IcyEyeG opened this issue · 2 comments

I'm using Rhythmbox 3.4.4 with Alternative Toolbar 0.20.2 on Ubuntu 22.04 and noticed that If a music file doesn't have an album name, album art won't be displayed.

If I deactivate the Alternative Toolbar plugin, this problem doesn't exist. I think the problem is related to this Rhythmbox bug: Album covers for songs without albums are not displayed in the MPRIS notification, since notifications never show album art if a file doesn't have an album name.

Since the bug is 4 years old and hasn't been fixed, I wonder if there's a workaround to make it work on the Alternative Toolbar plugin.

please can you share a track that shows this behaviour. thx.

I don't think that's necessary, since all you have to do to reproduce is to select a track with album art, go to properties, remove text in "Album" field and the album art disappears once you close the properties window. If you add something back to the "Album" field, art reappears.

In any case, GitHub doesn't allow me to upload a mp3 file, still, it's possible to generate a file that replicates the problem:
Lets use eyeD3 to take the royalty-free music Ambler (it's just 0:46 long) from Incompetech and make it show the bug. The cover art is available at

eyeD3 --to-v2.3 Ambler.mp3
eyeD3 -A "" Ambler.mp3
wget -O cover.jpg
eyeD3 --add-image "cover.jpg:FRONT_COVER" Ambler.mp3

The generated file will have album art, but not album name, thus showing the behavior I described.