
Program freezes in terminal error

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(rhythmbox:2268751): Gtk-WARNING **: 22:58:14.395: actionhelper: action can't be activated due to parameter type mismatch (parameter type NULL, target type b)
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/alternative-toolbar/", line 807, in _activate
    self._connect_func(action, None, self._connect_args)
  File "/usr/lib/rhythmbox/plugins/alternative-toolbar/", line 422, in on_skip_forward
    seek_time = sp.get_playing_time()[1] + seek_forward_time
gi.repository.GLib.Error: rb_shell_player_error: Playback position not available (4)

What were you doing to at this time? scrobbling forward? Repeating one track or repeating a playlist?

What version of rhythmbox are you using and what distro?

Sometimes when flipping through tracks, this happens or by itself over time. operating system: Elementory OS

rhythmbox 3.4.4

probably needs a bit of defensive coding around line 422 to escape from any errors rather than probably looping or whatever is causing the freeze.

could you please tell me how to do it. I am not familiar with python