
Mac OS X Support

Opened this issue · 4 comments

I was hoping to submit a PR to add Mac OS X support. I see you have a specific file structure, and place cetrain things in certain places.

Can you please create the template files and put a comment of what you want me to write where, then I can populate it with the OSX code :)

This is how I typically do things: I have one main chromeworker, and then i import the ostypes to it:

My ctypes for mac are in ostypes_mac.jsm:

I basically want to know where I can populate this code in your addon :) I know there are no workers so no problem :)

hi @Noitidart !
OS-specific code is in modules. So you should probably create modules/darwin and modules/ctypes/darwin.

But, before that, isn't there already dock support for OSX in FFX and TB ?

Ah yes good point there is dock support, but maybe we can make the menus different. And in future if we add customizable menus that would be truly awesome.

The application teamviewer has docksupport but they also have tray support please see image here:

With the trayicon, we can offer option of hiding the dock icon. :)

Why not. I don't know what OSX user would appreciate it, as I feel the dock is the mainstream way to go, OSX users tend to be mainstream users...
Besides, porting to OSX will probably have impact on the rest of the code. That's what experienced from porting to Windows. Considering the current list of open issues, I'm a bit afraid of such an impact.
All that said, if you want to give it a try, please do so!

Ah I totally understand. Ok Ill do this low priority and just try it out sometme on a PR. Those answers you gave on which files to make helps a lot :)